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Author Services

Manuscript Assessments

Manuscript assessments provide comprehensive feedback on structure, pacing, plot, and character development. They are designed for the author who needs or wants support to get their work into the best shape possible.


I will provide you with a comprehensive report under the following headings:
     *  Plot 
     *  Structure
     *  Character Development
     *  Pacing
     *  World Building
     *  Dialogue
     *  Writer Voice

     *  Miscellaneous


What I can't, and won't do, is write your story for you.

   Introductory Offer


                        $60.00 per 10,000 words


Book Formatting

Formatting the interior of your book can be stressful and confusing, and errors can creep in unintentionally.

I can format the interior of your book for you, to help you present a professional and polished book ready for upload to your chosen platform.


In consultation with you, I can include the following elements for your book interior:

     *  Choice of font
     *  Chapter Icons
     *  Chapter Images
     *  Single Page Image
     *  Double Page Image
     *  Other 


   Introductory Offer
                        $50.00 per 10,000 words

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